The most beautiful Girl in the world….

The most beautiful girl in the world has yet to be discovered. She carries herself in a way only a man from God Could acquire… She dresses in her whole attire, never leaving the naked eye room to overindulge in her special places only the right man will get to explore. She doesn’t try hard…

Short Story…..”Part One”

Younge black boy is born… Realizing he has powers deeper rooted then he expected. … All black people do…But they must keep it a secret. The knowledge of this will destroy everything they are working for….   The young boy does not want to contain his powers… he feels he should be able to show…


Grace in each step, place… as if the greatest gift He has given thee is safety. Peace, mercy in all things. No matter the expense, no matter the living arrangement. Grace getting me/you through the day, out of harms way. Protected. What if that was Gods one gift.. Safety, no harm your way. Health. At…


The sun Is rising, the stars are shinning. Sounds so peaceful, Yet the world is crying… Crying for love & not Hate Crying for Peace & not pain Crying for Joy & not sadness. How can the humans see the tragedy they create? The children are missed placed, hurting by the hands of those whom…


Lord, I gave up on my writings just a little. Discouraged a little, not confident in my words, wishing I would or could reach more people. I pray my books make it around the world, teaching children unity and togetherness. To push imagination, creativity for some reason it has fell short; so, I think.  My…


I pray you keep me safe and sound. I pray your rescue the ones drowning in the ocean of life right now. I pray you lift them, life us all. We need you, daily, every hour, every second, every minute. God lord Jesus, we need you. I need you. Thank you for who you are,…

. Don’t let materials fool you. That does not represent success… how are your morals, how much land do you own, how do you help feed your community with knowledge and good nutrition … how strong is your mind set, how resilient are you really. How amazing is your inner peace, how steady is your…


As your Love, elegantly surfaces the horizon of my heart!                                                              -FaithfulButterflies

As I grow,

After Arguing with someone at my work place. I feel numb to understand why i myself never just walked away. I am not that person. I will not be that person again. I was embarrassed. Ashamed. Of how i acted, what i id. Of having my name attached to anything like this. Once again. This…

Next Day….

I am not ready to see what next is. What will happen now. Who will he be, how will he act. Will he care… Is this truly over…. I feel like it is. Fourth times a charm right? i mean is that abuse. I don’t deserve him maybe, my heart makes me feel i deserve…