Writings….Part 10 (short poet stories)

We are all living… connected… some on an empty tank pushing the gas pedal, light switches that are on but showing no light… Different worlds, different times… Daily different things…… Working towards whatever dreams are in their way…. Glazing at the days as they surly fade…..wasting or running time away. Have we ever just paused…….

The Weakness of A Black Mother

I saw the tears crumble in her eyes before rushing to the side of her cheeks. Speaking of the hate she has seen, that America doesn’t love me, They will hate my kid for the things their ancestors did. Captive, stolen, whipped and beat, hung and made to labor for free. Four hundreds years and…

Other Self

I find myself day dreaming of who I thought I  should have become. How I would revise my life. The Joy I might feel being that person. Soaking up the things I would do or not do. I at times find it Healthy, to day dream, putting me in good spirits. Most of the time…

Dear My Black People

( **disclaimer** I love all People** this is some motivation for my lovely black people) Our past has not been that glamorous; our present doesn’t shine as if we thought it would; yet our future will only get better. Black people our Ancestors went through things we couldn’t even imagen. Yet what keep them strong…

They say I’m glowing // Poetry

Some have a closed mind as to what that even means. They think of kid baring or sexual intercourse; my glow is from my immortal King. The one I pray too and sing. I didn’t have a happy night. But I received a blessed morning. I read my bible. I began to write my poetry,…

  Like knowing they are talking about you; but saying good morning and doing your work anyway.   Like when someone sees you walking into a certain door behind them; then allowing it to shut in your face. As you reopen that door you smile and go on about your way   Like when a…

The feeling of being used

Sub title: from a little black girls perspective   I hate this feeling; as if I don’t see what is happing to me; as if I don’t see you using me. Only needed when there are certain standards to meet. Only paying me when there is a need of me; my color makes it no…