I’d Wished

I wish to help you all one day, in some way. Weather tiny or tall big or small, I wished to help you. I wish I could bottle up all of your fears. Piece them together, lock them in a steal jar sealed until eternity rang the Bells of Christ. Till the End of time,…

Short Poem- Team as We

With my words I build thee. With my spirit I attract thee, With my aura I keep thee. With me, I create we. As a team we all should be. As a team life becomes oh so free.  


\. The strength of defining existence while divinely teach life; life.   Me: I don’t understand the way of a woman in this world Him: Meaning in what stance Me: The stance of us being looked down upon. As if we come second to men… Him: Well I b…. Me: …as if we the women…

Dime & Penny!

There I found a red rubber one-inch controller cover. It felt like a texture of a rubber phone case! As I hold it in my hand, I see (spot) a dime and a penny. Initially consciously I wanted to pick up the dime; But I felt my worth as the penny, how I can place…


I want you to spoil me, giving me all the things that I desire without me really knowing I desire it.  

Love Note

Even if you had nothing to offer me, I would still want you. To lay in your arms as life passes us by for that one moment. That is all I would ever want from you.   _Author Cierra Crews  

The way of the world is not your fortune You have a guidance of light directing your way. Be fully aware of what is to come, be blind to things that have yet to unfold. Live in each moment of time. Never allowing life to pass you by. Your life is not what it seems,…

A Woman is detailed; not by what you see, yet what you don’t see. the way she thinks, the small adjustments she creates. She is elegance wrapped in Gods anointed favor. A woman is the key holder to a family, like glue her love connects all as one. A woman is not just art; she…

When I write

  My pin flows like hot lava; unsure of what made my creative volcano irrupt. What’s coming out is full of passion and love. Fueled by the world surrounding us. My pin opens up like a new born sun. Shining only to increase its stock beneath. My words are like bandages wrapped around your armor….

Just trying to find our way.

(You Must Read all to understand)   When we take pictures (estimating) we take up to 40 of them depending on the outfit or occasion. Each time I examine each of my photos making sure I choose the very best one to post to my social media accounts; and because I have multiple accounts I…