
I’ve realized… Longsuffering comes in daily… the struggle of not sinning, in our actions, thoughts or words… longsuffering comes from the daily belief of Lord Jesus in a world that contradicts all that He has shown and promised us… longsuffering is maintaining our emotions and feelings when they are all over the place. I use…

In Will, His Will

Unity in Christ is what we need. The love of God connecting us. Not competing in life for we all live for the Lord. For our purpose should be set so upon us that all else that does not magnify Gods will fails. How we look to the world or to others, even to our…

Valentines Blues

Walking the halls downward to the cafeteria to grab a hot tea beverage… “Happy Valentines Day Cierra” They say as I pass by. “Happy Valentines Day” I respond back in a mild, lukewarm tone. No Joy in my voice, as if I was dragging to get it out the basement just to respond.. I peek…

Little Men Grow into more of a man!Little boys..Little boys that grow, and soar encountering every barrier supporting the truth; that you to can get through every obstacles in each way beginning to see an over flow in life.Little Boys grow into men hopefully…Grace!Into Men!


The strongest people. For those who don’t shatter under pressure. Keeps going even when the direction gets weary, they continue on.. For the Greatest soldiers in the worst of wars! For The greatest soldiers are won in the worst of wars! I, we Commend you! -faithfulbutterflies

Corny yet friendly stories Part 1

Grungy, Olive green brown yuck colors, dingiest slime trees yet full of leaves. There lived an old woman and her son. Harvest has just come in… Two hot pepper ready to be eaten. The child plucks the harvest and runs warp speed to his mother…. Harvest ! Harvest! Harvest momma Harvest, we have Harvest!! The…

Be closer to you! Be a better Person!! We need you in this family.. Our family needs you. (My soul cries out while being damaged by thoughts and pain of past and present traumas) . If only the world knew how amazingly important you are Father if only they knew. HIs Name, Shines lighter then…

What you don’t do for God He will give to someone else

This Morning

This morning when I woke up I just put anything on. Originally, I the outfit I had in plan didn’t work out (there was a stan on my left boob, SMH!! That wouldn’t have looked right). So, I threw something on while rushing the kids out of the door into the car so we can…