This Morning/Day …..

I woke up feeling pretty Good. God Graced me with another day unexpectedly anticipating what this glorious day will bring. Today is pay day, I gotten paid my normal 1900.00 for my month of service. Thinking I can pay my bills early being that this day was the 29th of the month and not the…


Its like we are all just living in our lives… waking up facing different people from our on perspective…. Dealing with our own battles out & inside. Our mind set shaped and formed by our surroundings and up brings, the way people treated us or treat us.. the way we treat ourselves… our parents and…

Short Story…..”Part One”

Younge black boy is born… Realizing he has powers deeper rooted then he expected. … All black people do…But they must keep it a secret. The knowledge of this will destroy everything they are working for….   The young boy does not want to contain his powers… he feels he should be able to show…

This world….

living … death… sickness…. health…. Many different types of health… Mental…. Physical…. The health of our kids…. The health and mental health of others…. That we help in sharing the world with…… We trust others to help share this world in peace with us….. Everyday… For them not to come against to harm… Yet to…

Is it…

Selfish of me to only think in the meaning of what bothers me… Is it selfish to try and think of the things that hurt me, always thinking of what I need to be, Where my job will be, how quick can i make thee. What tools can I create to help escape this mental…

We Must…..As People…Do Better..

Killing innocent lives by a human hand … Gangs Getting Bigger & Bigger Everyday.. Living becomes fearful for your family… for your Youth …. As people we are formed to take care of each other not go against. It is not everyone for themselves… its unity. It not selfish its selfless… Guns… Gangs… Drugs.. hate……

Just Humans…

Raising us… them…me…you… Yet still broken…. Trying to piece & bult together the responsibilities of being alive. Human. Taking care of one’s self inside and out. Hygiene, Mental, releasement, Faith, spiritual, Social, Personal Achievements, Let downs, Heartaches… etc. Your Spirit is a guiding light… produced to fulfill the purpose necessary for yours & others exists….

The most beautiful Girl in the world….

The most beautiful girl in the world has yet to be discovered. She carries herself in a way only a man from God Could acquire… She dresses in her whole attire, never leaving the naked eye room to overindulge in her special places only the right man will get to explore. She doesn’t try hard…

People are Strange …

I think People are strange… Not all people of course…  Just some. The ones who stare at other people… for Some REASON or ANOTHER. To understand ….. …. To figure out…… Or maybe it’s an obsession… to silently ridiculing one its self’s mind… knowingly they will never know what you seek, lurk or even silently…