Short Story: The Plant

A young boy walked down to the river near an oak tree he loved to see. He would watch the tree branches they sway side to side, the breeze flowing through the atmosphere cooling down the hot summer days. While passing this tree daily on his walk home he saw a flower that had three…

Be closer to you! Be a better Person!! We need you in this family.. Our family needs you. (My soul cries out while being damaged by thoughts and pain of past and present traumas) . If only the world knew how amazingly important you are Father if only they knew. HIs Name, Shines lighter then…

This Morning

This morning when I woke up I just put anything on. Originally, I the outfit I had in plan didn’t work out (there was a stan on my left boob, SMH!! That wouldn’t have looked right). So, I threw something on while rushing the kids out of the door into the car so we can…

The World we now live in

The world is falling apart, more shootings than marriages.  More starvation and lack of food then produce being grown. More BBL’s then Baptisms. Chasing money and not health. New sickness & diseases every week. More hospital and mental health admits then discharges. People speak of loving self more then loving someone else…  Lack of workers…

7/7/22 10:10A.M.

Imagine…. Never lose your imagination… the ability to dream in a world where most days are dark, gloomy… Envisioning yourself in a better situation. A better Focused point. Mindset, Physical body. Never forget the power the mind has the ability to think & Speak things into existence. The Law of attraction… what a powerful thing….


Daily Peace regardless of what is going on… Peace Trusting God in all your being.. Knowing what ever may come your way… He has planned, purposed and removed all hurdles That you can’t bear. Peace. Not having the best job or making 6 figures. Not in love with a special someone… Great son, single mom,…

Dear Baby Butterfly.

A Mother is here to love, Build,  Help you grow, Molds you into a great Human, yet also allowing you to become The Human you want to be, Support you in all your ways Rebuild you when you feel broken Help cure the pain… I’m your safety net when the world is overwhelming. God’s Our…

If I could Write you a Letter

I would tell you how amazing you are… I would elaborate by saying how brave you are… Its hard being you… And no one wants to take that away from you more then I do. If only life was easier… No matter the level of life you are at… there will be an amount of…

It’s like God can air brush your life , to make it look out to be something it’s not. Others will see God covered in you an mistaken that for a natural glow…..