The World we now live in

The world is falling apart, more shootings than marriages.  More starvation and lack of food then produce being grown. More BBL’s then Baptisms. Chasing money and not health. New sickness & diseases every week. More hospital and mental health admits then discharges. People speak of loving self more then loving someone else…  Lack of workers…

If I could Write you a Letter

I would tell you how amazing you are… I would elaborate by saying how brave you are… Its hard being you… And no one wants to take that away from you more then I do. If only life was easier… No matter the level of life you are at… there will be an amount of…

Daily Thank you,

Thank you for everything you are Jesus, for give me for everything I am not. -Faithful Butterflies

Other Self

I find myself day dreaming of who I thought I  should have become. How I would revise my life. The Joy I might feel being that person. Soaking up the things I would do or not do. I at times find it Healthy, to day dream, putting me in good spirits. Most of the time…

Dime & Penny!

There I found a red rubber one-inch controller cover. It felt like a texture of a rubber phone case! As I hold it in my hand, I see (spot) a dime and a penny. Initially consciously I wanted to pick up the dime; But I felt my worth as the penny, how I can place…

When I write

  My pin flows like hot lava; unsure of what made my creative volcano irrupt. What’s coming out is full of passion and love. Fueled by the world surrounding us. My pin opens up like a new born sun. Shining only to increase its stock beneath. My words are like bandages wrapped around your armor….

Take The Time

In life it seems we try and rush our process; doing so putting us in situations we were never supposed to be in. But when we allow life to play its course; we allow growth, understanding and change all in one step. Which in the end allows us to be become better people. It’s kind…

God Makes a way

When we see no way. God has helpers, helping you through the day. As if the warmness of your body passes by. Those who are here to help us their hearts warm up like milk. Asking if you are ok. If there is anything they can get for you. Smiling just to get a new…


Labels are to create a description regarding a certain item; describing the pros and cons (my personal definition). so, when we label each other or a group of people we are creating a description that may or may not be fit. Some items that are labeled of higher value are not as good as the…

    If it were our choice, we would never want to work. If it was our choice. We would be bosses; destroy the hurt. If it was our chance; No one would hurt. But sometimes it isn’t our choice. So, we must continue to work in the position we are in; not only benefiting…