Short Story: The Plant

A young boy walked down to the river near an oak tree he loved to see. He would watch the tree branches they sway side to side, the breeze flowing through the atmosphere cooling down the hot summer days. While passing this tree daily on his walk home he saw a flower that had three…


we are conformed to this world of merchandise. The physical pleasure of life. Coldness, aloneness, selfishness, blindness. Fighting one another for things that are likely to kill us all. Leaving misery with no company. Deepened in this whole of life makes us sad, surrounded by illusions of what is not for what should be. Peace…

…… Mothers

A mother has to be strong… Many are tough, but strength is a different breed. Life changes, rearranges and boom there you are with a child…. and you become theirs. In every moment they need you. Every first day you pray over them, then that first day becomes daily Prayers….. Your worry becomes ultimately theirs……

Poem Sept.

                                                                                                                   As we enter into a new season, football starts to call our name.                               Autumns leaves begin to change.                                           Pumpkin spice cuddled warm and wrapped up nice and tight.                                                 Dew glazed across the ground                     on those chipper brisk mornings. Seasons changing…                                                Life’s rearranging and all signs point to Peace.                                                                     I hope…

7/7/22 10:10A.M.

Imagine…. Never lose your imagination… the ability to dream in a world where most days are dark, gloomy… Envisioning yourself in a better situation. A better Focused point. Mindset, Physical body. Never forget the power the mind has the ability to think & Speak things into existence. The Law of attraction… what a powerful thing….

If I could Write you a Letter

I would tell you how amazing you are… I would elaborate by saying how brave you are… Its hard being you… And no one wants to take that away from you more then I do. If only life was easier… No matter the level of life you are at… there will be an amount of…


In this moment… Its so interesting how we literally live in each moment Humans… as if our bodies morph every moment. Into the next being or the moment… we literally are living and working in the grace of every moment. The next day literally dose not exist. How amazing is that to live unknowingly of…

… we drug …short story

We drug ourselves taking us deeper out of reality or the existence of one’s life…ones self…scared, sad, sick, distance…distant.   The bottle taste disgusting going down.. seconds later saving your thoughts from jumping off the edge or amplifying your wants to… we glide  into whatever pit seems closer… your thoughts swing from one to another…. dangling…