
We do things for money. For status, to feel like we can rule over others. The money you intake carries you through places. Places you feel make you look better and feel more powerful. The more money the more you can do (so you think). We do things for money… status. Yet what about passion, just…

Never Forget,

I will never forget you, The peace you give me. The comfort you have provided me.  The blessings I have endured, The miracles I have witnessed. The favor you have always had over my life. At times I feel so selfish not giving you the time You deserve. Father God Lord Jesus, you deserve it all….

Daily Thank you,

Lord Jesus, Father Lord God. Thank you for all you are. Thank you for all you do! Thank you for loving us all. Thank you for peace. Thank you for comfort, Thank you for grace. Thank you for everything physical, and Most importantly. Spiritually. Thank you for saving me. Thank you Lord Jesus, more then…

Short Poem- Team as We

With my words I build thee. With my spirit I attract thee, With my aura I keep thee. With me, I create we. As a team we all should be. As a team life becomes oh so free.  


\. The strength of defining existence while divinely teach life; life.   Me: I don’t understand the way of a woman in this world Him: Meaning in what stance Me: The stance of us being looked down upon. As if we come second to men… Him: Well I b…. Me: …as if we the women…

Dime & Penny!

There I found a red rubber one-inch controller cover. It felt like a texture of a rubber phone case! As I hold it in my hand, I see (spot) a dime and a penny. Initially consciously I wanted to pick up the dime; But I felt my worth as the penny, how I can place…

Love Note

Even if you had nothing to offer me, I would still want you. To lay in your arms as life passes us by for that one moment. That is all I would ever want from you.   _Author Cierra Crews  

To walk in the mist of chaos and release a sense of calmness. Your ability is unmatchable.                                                                      – Cierra Crews

The Happy….

There is good in everything; just as there is an opposite to everything. Good and bad; up and down; back and front; yes or no; hot or cold; young or old; I think you get my point. It’s all in how you look at things. Choose to think and live happy; Half full and not…

Saving Palms Village

Available on Amazon now!! -only 1.75 Saving Palms Village is a fictional Children’s book Main Character: Willard’s best friend gets cut down by the tree cutters; now he is on a mission in saving they rest of his loved ones! Great or all ages