Today feels like a new journey My Dear Lord..

A freshness in the air, Glistening through dreams once envisioned now a want to be discovered. Suffer us not of theology that discomforts our driven passion, our mind.. As our spirits sit back, discontinuing and deciphering through thought worthy or unworthy of our spiritual building.. commitment… To be more darling in your sight, your smell,…


Learning How to properly parent is one of the most difficult things to do. Losing patience, trying to reprogram yourself from the toxic ways your parents might have parented you. The screaming, cussing, fussing whooping method is not always the key. Learning to nurture your child in the best way that fits them individually …….

Is it…

Selfish of me to only think in the meaning of what bothers me… Is it selfish to try and think of the things that hurt me, always thinking of what I need to be, Where my job will be, how quick can i make thee. What tools can I create to help escape this mental…


Not knowing the feeling of love… Yet… No words, for action says all, In the dark the loyalty and value still stand firm, The thoughts that graze your inner mind. of peace, love and joy… Comfortability. creating an atmosphere of humbled natural beings… Friends linked in love & lust …peace. Wanting to be the best…

Iv stopped…

Dreaming. Picturing myself in other places, in other positions. I’ve stopped dreaming because I want what you have for me Lord Jesus. I want to envision what you have for me Lord God. Thank you Jesus, Thank you. Guide me, show me your way.. show me your path. Lord Jesus please Guide me. Please. I…


Discovering yourself can be great and trying at times. Remember your purpose and plan… Never forget along the way… things get better. -Faithfulbutterflies

Lord Please,

Guide me, in days I only see the mist of light. Grace me with your mercy and settle Peace. Carry me, as I walk this life. Forgive me, my habit for I can not break without you. Thank you for your ever lasting love, your peace and mercy. Thank you for always being there for…


Thank you for shadowing my soul even when I feel so far from you. Thank you for rescuing me, daily; as I need you to be my guard, my protector, my savior, my peace, my calm. Thank you Lord Jesus for being who you are even when I’m not who I need to be, thank…


Do it because you want to. Not because of someone else, for they cant predict your future out comes and have to live with it. Only You and Jesus can and only you have to.  Whether this is about your job, living life style, family, lover etc. Whatever it maybe, do it because spiritually, mentally…


Are beautiful, Angelica. It techs us that different races equally make one human race. That we are all human. We can create the same species. We are all equally human. That God My Lord Jesus Doesn’t teach one race. He teaches lessons for all. Because there is no race but one. The Human Race! In…