The Happy….

There is good in everything; just as there is an opposite to everything. Good and bad; up and down; back and front; yes or no; hot or cold; young or old; I think you get my point. It’s all in how you look at things. Choose to think and live happy; Half full and not…

Dear My Black People

( **disclaimer** I love all People** this is some motivation for my lovely black people) Our past has not been that glamorous; our present doesn’t shine as if we thought it would; yet our future will only get better. Black people our Ancestors went through things we couldn’t even imagen. Yet what keep them strong…

When I write

  My pin flows like hot lava; unsure of what made my creative volcano irrupt. What’s coming out is full of passion and love. Fueled by the world surrounding us. My pin opens up like a new born sun. Shining only to increase its stock beneath. My words are like bandages wrapped around your armor….

Just trying to find our way.

(You Must Read all to understand)   When we take pictures (estimating) we take up to 40 of them depending on the outfit or occasion. Each time I examine each of my photos making sure I choose the very best one to post to my social media accounts; and because I have multiple accounts I…

“My Faith” short poem:

      My faith is in you Lord. Not the world, but in you Lord. Not faith in my own abilities to do so; but over whelming faith In Yours Lord. Merciful You have always been to me. You have helped and healed my sorrows. For I have no thought or worry for tomorrow;…

Death is not fun; Seems to never get easy. The thought of it brings my whole body to a cringe. It never gets better. But with every good thing there is something bad. Like a domino effect; So, we know with life comes death. So, because of death, we strive to live our best life….

I think you can!

Do you think you can do it? I think you can… Do you think you will be good at it? I think you will be great… Are you scared…. Altogether scared…… to fail? To never try? To miss out? I want you to try because I know how great you are. It’s your time now;…

Daily lessons life teaches me:

3/12/2018 So, on my desk I have four highlighters. They are all different shades and I used them all for different reasons. One day one of my highlighters stopped working. So, I thought because I had three more I could just toss the other one out without replacing it. Not even two days had past…

Life is valuable;

And so worth living. It’s like we only sense that after a death or diagnosing of a deadly disease. How rare we remember on our own terms how our problems can’t mount to others. A boulder standing in front of you. What else do you see? So easily we are distracted by small incidents that…

We are just humans raising humans;

  Looking back, I would get so mad at my mom and dad for things I thought they had control over; or even as to how they handled certain situations in my life. But I forgot that my parents are just as human as I am. Bound to make mistakes just as any normal human…