If I could Write you a Letter

I would tell you how amazing you are… I would elaborate by saying how brave you are… Its hard being you… And no one wants to take that away from you more then I do. If only life was easier… No matter the level of life you are at… there will be an amount of…


Not everyone will understand you….Me. Not everyone will agree with your….my choices. Not everyone will agree or like who I am…. Not everyone will like what I like… Not everyone will do what I do…..Think what I think. Enjoy living how I do. Yet that’s the best part…. I only want those around me who…

Living life. Enjoying the moment, blessed. Feeling favored, feeling like I’m growing and changing into what God Needs me to be,  Enjoying the life He blessed for me, Created by choice and Prayer with a touch of hard work. Something only he could create a feeling only He could make. I have never felt this way,…

Whelp, Covid-19

Covid-19 Before this strange beast of a virus came knocking on our door. Life as we knew it was normal, Going on with our everyday lives. Having no thought in the world as to how great of a blessing that was. To go on with your everyday life as normal. Now that things are completely…

Short Poem- Team as We

With my words I build thee. With my spirit I attract thee, With my aura I keep thee. With me, I create we. As a team we all should be. As a team life becomes oh so free.  


\. The strength of defining existence while divinely teach life; life.   Me: I don’t understand the way of a woman in this world Him: Meaning in what stance Me: The stance of us being looked down upon. As if we come second to men… Him: Well I b…. Me: …as if we the women…


Stay strong Stay smart Stay resilient Remember the sun and the moon shine, Just at different times, but there’s always a light. Seek the light! -Cierra Crews


I want you to spoil me, giving me all the things that I desire without me really knowing I desire it.  

Love Note

Even if you had nothing to offer me, I would still want you. To lay in your arms as life passes us by for that one moment. That is all I would ever want from you.   _Author Cierra Crews  

To walk in the mist of chaos and release a sense of calmness. Your ability is unmatchable.                                                                      – Cierra Crews