Dear People Of Color..

This Journey has not been easy for us. We have Came a long way. We still have a long ways to go. Though the journey has yet to be smooth we have continued to move along. Progression is greater then Regression. As we continue to move forward with whips on our backs, chains on our…


We are our children’s first inspiration. We are the first ones they see and look you to. What we show them and everything they see comes from us.  We are the inspiration to there little souls and minds. We help create there future. We as parents we must take responsibility, accountability and better action.                                                                                                                                                            -FaithfulButterflies    

The Happy….

There is good in everything; just as there is an opposite to everything. Good and bad; up and down; back and front; yes or no; hot or cold; young or old; I think you get my point. It’s all in how you look at things. Choose to think and live happy; Half full and not…

Saving Palms Village

Available on Amazon now!! -only 1.75 Saving Palms Village is a fictional Children’s book Main Character: Willard’s best friend gets cut down by the tree cutters; now he is on a mission in saving they rest of his loved ones! Great or all ages

When I write

  My pin flows like hot lava; unsure of what made my creative volcano irrupt. What’s coming out is full of passion and love. Fueled by the world surrounding us. My pin opens up like a new born sun. Shining only to increase its stock beneath. My words are like bandages wrapped around your armor….

Just trying to find our way.

(You Must Read all to understand)   When we take pictures (estimating) we take up to 40 of them depending on the outfit or occasion. Each time I examine each of my photos making sure I choose the very best one to post to my social media accounts; and because I have multiple accounts I…


Today was tomorrow yesterday; and tomorrow will be today, and today will soon be yesterday. So, the day that was once now will soon pass us; and the meaning of that is? Why count time. Why are we so worried about when things will happen? Because once it does that day will soon be over….

We are just humans raising humans;

  Looking back, I would get so mad at my mom and dad for things I thought they had control over; or even as to how they handled certain situations in my life. But I forgot that my parents are just as human as I am. Bound to make mistakes just as any normal human…

Take The Time

In life it seems we try and rush our process; doing so putting us in situations we were never supposed to be in. But when we allow life to play its course; we allow growth, understanding and change all in one step. Which in the end allows us to be become better people. It’s kind…


Labels are to create a description regarding a certain item; describing the pros and cons (my personal definition). so, when we label each other or a group of people we are creating a description that may or may not be fit. Some items that are labeled of higher value are not as good as the…