Short Poem- Team as We

With my words I build thee. With my spirit I attract thee, With my aura I keep thee. With me, I create we. As a team we all should be. As a team life becomes oh so free.  


\. The strength of defining existence while divinely teach life; life.   Me: I don’t understand the way of a woman in this world Him: Meaning in what stance Me: The stance of us being looked down upon. As if we come second to men… Him: Well I b…. Me: …as if we the women…

Dime & Penny!

There I found a red rubber one-inch controller cover. It felt like a texture of a rubber phone case! As I hold it in my hand, I see (spot) a dime and a penny. Initially consciously I wanted to pick up the dime; But I felt my worth as the penny, how I can place…


Stay strong Stay smart Stay resilient Remember the sun and the moon shine, Just at different times, but there’s always a light. Seek the light! -Cierra Crews


I want you to spoil me, giving me all the things that I desire without me really knowing I desire it.  

I Am

God says I am here for you. To Guide you, to teach you. Most importantly to Lead you. Follow me, let me teach you what and how to be, to live and love so free. Forgiveness is the key, the door is mercy. Open wide as grace controls thee. Let me in, I am your…

The way of the world is not your fortune You have a guidance of light directing your way. Be fully aware of what is to come, be blind to things that have yet to unfold. Live in each moment of time. Never allowing life to pass you by. Your life is not what it seems,…

  Everything is going to get better What you see now is not what it will be in the future You are being built and worked on… Your faith is being strengthen. Your heart is being molded, corrected, directed. Life is not about what you see physically, yet what you can see mentally. Stay strong,…