Where do i go…..

I don’t fit in here, as the days pass and the weeks become longer, I don’t fit in here, I notice myself realizing this… how I dress, how I walk the eyes they give me…. I don’t fit in here… this makes me sad but this too shall pass… the intelligent words they speak, they…

What if who birthed you is deeper…..

Sometimes Gods Blessings go deeper then what we see, or experience. What if….. God chose us to be birthed by the humans He did, not just for the care taker part of it whether good or bad… What if He chose them for the deeper process. The disease we wouldn’t have to experience, or the…

Short Story: The Plant

A young boy walked down to the river near an oak tree he loved to see. He would watch the tree branches they sway side to side, the breeze flowing through the atmosphere cooling down the hot summer days. While passing this tree daily on his walk home he saw a flower that had three…

Beautiful Black People (READ UNTILL VERY END)

Walking in the halls, headed to our destination… two people of a different color walking before me.. Asian and Caucasian. Simultaneously showing me who they seem themselves to be… Why must the Asian think so much higher of self then me… wasn’t they to once the Americans property.. was it before the African slavery…or during…?…


I’ve realized… Longsuffering comes in daily… the struggle of not sinning, in our actions, thoughts or words… longsuffering comes from the daily belief of Lord Jesus in a world that contradicts all that He has shown and promised us… longsuffering is maintaining our emotions and feelings when they are all over the place. I use…

A Prayer to The Lord

Dear Father May my heart be cleaned cleared before you. May my promises be only by Your will, may my decisions be discerned wholly unto Your pleasures. Oh dear Lord Almighty King I pray my heart live for You only, that you see deeply in me interceding that I am only for You. Seeing that…

In Will, His Will

Unity in Christ is what we need. The love of God connecting us. Not competing in life for we all live for the Lord. For our purpose should be set so upon us that all else that does not magnify Gods will fails. How we look to the world or to others, even to our…

Forgive me Lord,

For not coming to you first. For not following the okay feeling you have provided me. Forgive me Jesus for you are my only helper, the only one who can fix things for me. Forgive me Jesus for not laying all burdens upon you. Forgive me Jesus for not consoling in you. Forgive me Lord,…


we are conformed to this world of merchandise. The physical pleasure of life. Coldness, aloneness, selfishness, blindness. Fighting one another for things that are likely to kill us all. Leaving misery with no company. Deepened in this whole of life makes us sad, surrounded by illusions of what is not for what should be. Peace…