

     Faithful butterflies represent the followers in Christ that have been transformed into the beings the Lord created us to be, Thinking and living out of spirits instead of flesh. This is a gateway to allow others to express where they came from. How the Lord has helped them through their trials, and to speak highly of their testimony’s.  While enduring everyday life still faithful enough to always seek the Lord for good and Bad. We are believers in the Lord our God. He is our savior and we will continue to forever follow him. In Jesus name Amen!!

                               (2 Corinthians 5:7) for we walk by faith, not by sight (kjv)

             (Hebrews 13:8) Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. (kjv)

              So please follow us on this journey we call life, to walk with Christ.

(everything seen on here is truth, and also an opinion from a fellow Christ follower, I would still advise you to do your homework as well)

Every blog posted on this site, was authentically created by : Cierra N. Crewswin_20160803_11_20_18_pro

Contact Info:

Email-  cierra.crews@yahoo.com

3 Comments Add yours

  1. desirayl says:

    Nice to meet you Cierra! I love your about me page. Especially how to remind us to always do our homework. My Pastor always tell us to follow along as he reads the scripture before he gives his sermon. It is so very important that we always do our homework. When we do that it shows that we are doing what 2 Timothy 2:15 tells us. Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.


    1. I love how you think. Its always a pleasure reading your comments. Even at times when I cant respond back i enjoy reading your comments. Amen, Amen. You are exactly right.


      1. desirayl says:

        I hope your having a great day. No need to apologize. I understand we do have schedules that needs our attention.

        I knew you would get to your comments when you had the time.

        Be bless.


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