What if who birthed you is deeper…..

Sometimes Gods Blessings go deeper then what we see, or experience.

What if….. God chose us to be birthed by the humans He did, not just for the care taker part of it whether good or bad…

What if He chose them for the deeper process. The disease we wouldn’t have to experience, or the certain mind frame we would not develop or would develop creating us into the being He needed for today. For His will, For His grace, for your over all well-being. Everything you have been through has created you to be this person today.. you can look at it all in a bad or good way. Its best if you find the good in all things … if not its likely you will hate life. The punches it throws no one can doge but God can Guide you to a better place mentally and physically…

I drifted a tad bit, back to the main point I wanted to reach….

What if its deeper than them loving us, or not loving us. God saw what you could handle before you were born, for He knew you …. What we should handle in order to push us to who He needed us to become.

Jeremiah 1:5 says:

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”

He knew whether you could deal with high blood pressure, cancer, depression, money, no money, drugs, etc. all the things the world throws at us to get us off our track… Spiritually, long-suffering. He knows if the parents you have .. hold a piece of them that will either strengthen or weaken you in any matter. So, He placed you there so you would doge or concur the battle you have faced or now face in your life. We all battle and there is no escaping that.. if you survive the battle is what  matters. NOW, never forget most of, or just about 83% of things we have placed in our selves is of our doing and control being that we have free will, you either chose to or not to do things in your life. Each decision has a reaction to it good or bad.

“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction” is a law of physics.

Ecclesiasticus 37:16 says:

“Let reason go before every enterprize, and counsel before every action.”

Don’t blame the Good Lord for your bad or what we thought were good decisions. We all are free to do as we will. Take accountability for all your choices, look in the mirror at self and stop trying to blame everything else. Now I don’t take for granted that there are some things in life that is just out of our control.. life will happen to us.. and that we cannot blame ourselves for.

God knows all… and will fix all.. I just feel everything is deeper then what we see.. .. If that makes any sense… Feel free to comment your thoughts on this matter. Yet keep in mind it wont change how I feel about the situation… but could brighten my horizon on something I would of never though of…. Love you!


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