Short Story: The Plant

A young boy walked down to the river near an oak tree he loved to see. He would watch the tree branches they sway side to side, the breeze flowing through the atmosphere cooling down the hot summer days. While passing this tree daily on his walk home he saw a flower that had three flower buds …. two of the three buds had already begun to sprout… day in and out the young boy watched as the flowers grew and grew.  After three days all three buds sprouted … the flowers were so beautiful, wonderful to his eye. The young boy loved the look of each flower, he would gaze for hours at their beauty. He even brought a water bucket to water them… two weeks had past, and one flower started to wither up. The young boy was saddened by the sight of it. The flower he had grown to love and nurture started to fade away. Then a week pasted by, and in the same spot of the flower that withered up, there were four new buds in that same spot. They young boy ran home to tell his mother so happy with the sight he saw. His mother looked at him and smiled, happy to see the young boys smile again yet even more happy to see the lesson she hopes he soon learns from this experience. She says to the young boy “Son, in life we will often fall in love with things that soon will make greater room for something so much more. You see that flower bud you’ve grown a liking to, nourished and watched for…. came and went, and when it went it made room for three more flower buds to take its spot. Life is tricky that way, what you get accustomed two will soon transform into something better if you care for it right. The bud dies only to make room for three more buds because you were such a great caretaker. Don’t hold on to tight, enjoy everything in that moment because moments pass and just know as your sadness grows from the loss of something, something else will reign in its place even more beautiful ” She smiles as she glances at her young sprouting flower, gracefully as she withers away.

The young boy kept this story with him for most of his life.

10 years later the young mans mother passed on. As he sits seated beside his wife and their four young children. Weeping, suddenly he hears his mothers voice as a young boy telling him the story about the flower buds. As he looks around he has yet to see what could of replaced her.. tugging on his shirt his little girl…” I love you daddy. I love you two my sweet flower bud”

Something beautiful.

-faithful butterflies

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