Beautiful Black People (READ UNTILL VERY END)

Walking in the halls, headed to our destination… two people of a different color walking before me.. Asian and Caucasian. Simultaneously showing me who they seem themselves to be… Why must the Asian think so much higher of self then me… wasn’t they to once the Americans property.. was it before the African slavery…or during…? Has it been so long they now feel equal to the masters of deceit, of oppression the kings of division, separation. Is it their skin so pale and creamy it makes as if their white is alright, is it safe to say share they same mind frame… calling us nigg*rs and coons, monkeys and “no we won’t serve you”.  They walk together equally in our eyes we see differently… just a master and his puppet in disguises… them never seeing that once he’s done with the trick back into the box they went.

Why do we have it so hard, we are just mere descendants of slaves.. trying to fit in… doing as they do. Walking as they walk even talking as they talk.. one thing we don’t do is stick together like the white folks do.. quick to throw one another under the rug, while walking and steeping with our shoulder high above… we go and get the same money as they, we dive into the same jobs even start to date the same people as they do… openly they still show us we are still their possession… a mere slave…. Equal rights came in 1964… my living father was 4 at that time. Martin Luther Kings shot dead in 1968, my living father was only 8. Demolishing segregation was in 1954 in schools and 1964 in the states…, my living grandfather was a teenager at that time… there is a reason when we hear a strange Nosie in the house we all become quiet waiting too see what follows, that we all sit quietly in Gods storms and dance and sing everywhere we go. We walk the same halls yet we live totally different lives, we have traveled through the most horrendous roughest times that never seem to shy away from us even today. The white folks want us to stop crying but how dare we stop… to make them feel better about their selves… why should we ever stop…… God forbid history repeats itself. It was only a few decades ago our people were sharecroppers, slaves day and night, hanging , beatings selling’s and death… how could we ever forget that we are far from them… we are not like the white folks and we should never try to be.. one thing they have over us is that regardless they stick together like family… we are one of the only race whom hates its same color neighbor… why must we try to be better then the next black person when we are all descendants from slavery… we all deal with the same inter rooted deceit.. why must we believe we are better then our family… it’s a certain bond only black people have.. silently no words still poses love in the air… if we can stop trying to find a way to get over each other and realize we are our on hope.. lets be far from the white people… for we are nothing like them our uncomfortably is by far what they can see, we will not stop whining and fighting for our victory… we are not African for we are raised on American ground.. no matter how much we try to dig our roots they no longer swim there.. we talk different, we walk different… we are not them… you can dig our roots there but our branches swing far more different as we see.. we are black… Americans by force and black by experience.. we are us.. and we can stick together… a lost boat that finds a home makes its own grounds here.. we should be proud our people survived and that in its self should brings us cheer… God saw fit to make us win even when we couldn’t see it.. we are fighters .. we are strong… we are resilient we are Black Americans. Our history has only just begun!

 No matter how equal we try to be, we will always be on a different level then they are… we will never be equal… not mentally, not physically we will always be different.. some bad.. some better.. but never equal.. quit trying to get them to see your worth.. first see it for yourselves and it will all fall into place there… I love you… Beautiful Black people!!!


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