
I’ve realized… Longsuffering comes in daily… the struggle of not sinning, in our actions, thoughts or words… longsuffering comes from the daily belief of Lord Jesus in a world that contradicts all that He has shown and promised us… longsuffering is maintaining our emotions and feelings when they are all over the place. I use to fear the longsuffering of the Fruit of the Spirit, (Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.) but then I realized longsuffering is the daily walk when living for Jesus. Living & being hopeful, trusting Him and still dealing with this fleshly life we live… daily we suffer when you truly want to live for Christ and trust all He has said and done! Temptation comes regularly. Whether its how you treat the people around you or controlling the judgmental thoughts that surface in your mind about someone or somethings…. Or blocking the agendas of the enemy that the world shares so freely… doing right even when those we love do wrong against us and around us… daily suffering is the aspect of not doing what is easy… like drinking to run from our problems instead of talking and walking with God (I’ve had to learned this the hard way)… Trusting our Savior even when everything around us tries to tell us not to… Keeping a faith that an average person would never understand… not worrying because worry contradicts our faith in Christ. Longsuffering is our words… what we say and how we say it. Our actions, what we do and how we do it. Our emotions, how we forgive or ask for forgiveness. Longsuffering is not easy but it is a daily task.. at times I feel we only look at it in a way of being sick or really ill but its so much deeper than that… Its a daily walk with Christ… yah know…. 🧐


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