In Will, His Will

Unity in Christ is what we need. The love of God connecting us. Not competing in life for we all live for the Lord. For our purpose should be set so upon us that all else that does not magnify Gods will fails. How we look to the world or to others, even to our selves should not reach up to the matters of the Will of God. And yet we all allow pride to wallow in what the spirit is doing. This world would be further in His word if those whom believed in Him believed in His will before any and everything else and not in our own selfish will. I speak for myself when I say I had to step out of myself in order to see God. Instead of interceding in what I wanted Him to do for me… Everything I wanted never fades out properly but everything He placed in front of me was always perfectly worth it, perfectly in positions (Thank you Lorddddddd Jesuuuussss Father!). Stop using and wanting God for our own selfish promotions, wants and advancement’s. God provides all you need not what you want. Remember that each and everyday. It is not what we want yet all we need. Thank you Jesus for giving me all I need and none of what I wanted because what I wanted was not what I needed. There for you knew always what was better and best for me especially in magnifying your word, your position, your glory and over all your precious will Father (I thank you). I ruined myself many times over of what I THOUGHT I wanted. You can’t manipulate God (Thank you Jesussssss). His will is greater which is all that should matter. The gift to be able to work for Jesus the Almighty Savior in a purpose to will His kingdom greater, for better, to save His sheep. To work in His will oh Lord how mighty in deed that is. What a gift that is all by itself…

So who are we to request our own desires on the scheme of over powering The LORD Almighty The Great I AM GODS will… over His…. To want more then what He feels is suitable for you to have in order to break through on His purpose in this life. I may not know much, nor be highly educated in the rims of this world, But I do know this. The God we server, the Father I serve wants greater for us.. not always materially yet physically, mentally, over all spiritually! His will and purpose is always worth it and greater. Oh God if I could just go back and follow your will from birth I would. To help his people through, to heal his people with Him. To make them smile from the inside out. To feast with them filling there bowels with food and spirits with the Lords word. Their hearts with love and their minds with peace. What a gift it would be to live for God, With Jesus in the Holy Spirit. What a gift it is to see God in a more personal light, closer then you could ever imagen. Being grateful for all you have and don’t. In peace with not being the biggest or best to do it because we all know our Father God Lord Jesus is. To see Him Shine Greater than all beneath Him. To witness others wanting Him more then They want their own lives. More then they want there own breathe… To only see Him. How peaceful and yet so powerful to only want Him. To crave Him. To ignore the world and the evil that lurks amongst in the protection and peace of the Lord God, Jesus Himself. To feel hopeful even in our hopelessness with Him. Just Him… Not us, not what we desire for self but what desire for Him, with Him. In His Kingdom. For His Kingdom. Oh How wonderful… Our God. How Wonderful!

Hebrews 13:20 – 13:21

20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,

21 Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

-Faithful Butterflies

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