Willard discovers his best friend is missing and may have been taken by the tree cutters. With nothing else to lose Willard decides to save the rest of his home before it’s too late.

Come and take a journey with Willard and help him save Palms Village.

-This book teaches kids to care and stand up for others even if it’s only a beautiful talking tree!

-Creativity will flow from the 1st page to the last. – Allow Willard to take your mind on an brave adventure. (Pictured Below)

Saving Palms Village 2

After Two years of waiting Willard finally decides to go on a search for his missing best friend Willow. Join us as we travel around the world to discover Willows destination and maybe her new beginnings.

This Fictional Children’s book will take your imagination on the greatest ride ever. The main Characters are Trees named Willard and his new buddy Cider who finally goes on a search to find Willow (Willards Best friend) after almost 2 years. What they find may change Willards’s life forever. Join us as we go on the greatest adventure yet… (Pictured Below)

After saving his village from the awful tree cutters and traveling around whole world to find his long-lost friend. Willard feels there’s nothing he can’t do. 
With the help of his friends and his village, Willard goes on another adventure.

This time what Willard discovers will change his life forever!

 Hopefully for the best!

Saving Palms Village III Now Available

All copies are available on Amazon (Kindle, Paperback, Hardback)

Join this colorful adventure that will show a different side to Willard, one we have all be waiting for.

This is a Children’s Fictional illustrated Book

Series 3 Of 3

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