This Morning

This morning when I woke up I just put anything on.

Originally, I the outfit I had in plan didn’t work out (there was a stan on my left boob, SMH!! That wouldn’t have looked right).

So, I threw something on while rushing the kids out of the door into the car so we can be off to school and work in less then five minutes. I grabbed a dress I knew I could fit and a black cover over with casual black shoes.

Thinking nothing of it I left out the door on to start my day.

All-day people have been complimenting me. Complimenting me on a dress they didn’t know I chose last minute. Complimenting me on a dress that was never in the plan to begin with… Not even thought about, hoped to work at last minute.

I say all that to say this:

When Gods plan is better than yours; no matter how much you try and force it, destiny will always make its way!

 Have a very cheerful, blessed day!


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