…… Mothers

A mother has to be strong…

Many are tough, but strength is a different breed.

Life changes, rearranges and boom there you are with a child…. and you become theirs.

In every moment they need you.

Every first day you pray over them, then that first day becomes daily Prayers…..

Your worry becomes ultimately theirs… & theirs becomes yours.

Their life consumes you for the better.

If they hurt, Lord knows it tares you apart.

When they suffer you suffer…

When they’re happy, it will make you jump for glee.

When they randomly tell you they love you, that will be the best thing that has ever happened to you…

And when they are gone you will miss them.

 You will pray they are around the right people and making the right decision ….

In all of that Praying that they outlive you, yet you live enough to see them grow in age with gray hairs.

Real mothers are superhero’s, Real mothers carry Burdens too.


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