
Daily Peace regardless of what is going on…

Peace Trusting God in all your being..

Knowing what ever may come your way… He has planned, purposed and removed all hurdles That you can’t bear.

Peace. Not having the best job or making 6 figures. Not in love with a special someone… Great son, single mom, Car payment, mortgage…Lost… still searching for my way… Yet I am at peace. In my life I feel at peace… Spiritually I am at Peace.… not sure if I would ever get to say that in my life… But I have found peace… Not in statues, not in jewels, clothes, titles, likes, instant gratification, or the loud sad noise of the world…

Yet love From God, Jesus Your grace… mercy… Protection out of my own control.

Knowing everything will be okay… That makes me super happy. Super in peace…

Everything you give me.. Parenting, Life, Moments, Knowledge, wisdom… over all

Love I cant buy & peace , Safety I cant Explain…

Daily I would look for things that make me feel at peace… for example the things I like to do day to day.. what makes me outwardly feel good.

I realize peace is everything on the inside…

Want peace start inwardly not outwardly…

Safety… no one can pay for that… grace for another moment, day… second, no one can pay for that… God… He paves for that… Thank you JESUS

(only in the mindset)


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