If I could Write you a Letter

How to Write a Letter - Areo

I would tell you how amazing you are… I would elaborate by saying how brave you are…

Its hard being you… And no one wants to take that away from you more then I do. If only life was easier… No matter the level of life you are at… there will be an amount of struggle that seems unbearable. Whether it’s in love, self, family, friends, financial, school, spiritual, etc.….  In every aspect of life… Just know it will all get better. This is only a moment… and it too shall pass. The good and bad will pass… Enjoy every good moment to the fullest… and learn from all the bad ones… But know it will all be over soon. You are not alone… By grace we all are traveling through life… I’m here for you just as I hope you are for me if the time comes. It’s hard, it’s dark right now but it will all be worth it… I pray the better days outweighs the bad… I pray your smile brightens your soul and the others surrounding you, I pray you are easy on yourself, you deserve that…  I pray the sun shines down on you on the days you’re feeling dark. I pray those around you show you their true heart… I pray your life gets easier each and every day… If no one has ever told you, I love you! It will all be okay… Stay hopeful


Hopeful soul


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