I Wish…(Important Info Below)

we could all just come together and talk. Life is hard and it seems in the midst of the hard its crunch time. I wish we could talk it out. Cry it out… leaning to one another. Communication is one of the best ways to get things out, you honestly feel so much better afterwards. For it does not stop the pain, yet helps you release some of that energy. ..clearing your thinking                                                                                                                    **Starting 6/14/20 (this Sunday) I will be allowing people to call in through the radio station I work at to just talk, It will be called “Releasement”. Please anyone who reads this feel free to call in, Talk about you problems and if I can I will give you comfort and for some reason I cant comfort you.. I will allow other callers to! The radio station is called Oak 93.5 located in Raleigh NC. From 4pm-6pm I will be taking calls, as the day gets closer please tune in to this blog site or my Facebook page at Cierra Nicole I will be giving the number out there! Please feel free to call in about anything you are dealing with. It can be about family, love, life in general! I m here to give you a voice and a chance to vent, if you would like to just call in and talk to me that is perfectly fine, just tell be when you call and I will not put you on the air per request.   Your voice, your journey your mindset is an amazing thing, I cant wait to get a little taste of it!                                                                                                                                                  -FaithfulButterflies

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