Other Self

I find myself day dreaming of who I thought I  should have become. How I would revise my life. The Joy I might feel being that person. Soaking up the things I would do or not do. I at times find it Healthy, to day dream, putting me in good spirits. Most of the time I day dream my future, yet for some reason recently with all of the challenges; I day dream of her. Me without the stressors. Me if I had any clue what I really wanted to be. Me. So I thought to myself, be her but be you now and build for better. Enjoy the things you would if you were her. Deal with your responsibility’s now because that makes you stronger then her. Its ok to day dream another way of life. Just like acting, they become totally different beings to fulfill a roll. Fulfill yours and also ,find understanding and joy in what you have now! Dreaming of her is ok, but never give up on what you want to be, be that and be you to! It will all mesh. This is only one life enjoy wisely….                     -Faithful Butterflies 

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