Whelp, Covid-19


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Before this strange beast of a virus came knocking on our door. Life as we knew it was normal, Going on with our everyday lives. Having no thought in the world as to how great of a blessing that was. To go on with your everyday life as normal. Now that things are completely shut down (movies, inside dinning,  sports, party’s, cookouts, beach trips, school, most jobs, flying anywhere in the world your pockets could take you, and the list goes on) . Daily we where blessed with the notion of just being able to live, it was free to all, everyone had the same blessing, no matter age, race, gender, beliefs. Jesus Gave us all one thing in common, free will to go on with our everyday lives( what a blessing that is); the smallest blessing, turned into the greatest thing on earth. How amazing!  

Everything has paused and reset, Like a second chance at life, showcasing what really matters. No matter how much money you have in this world, this virus has stopped everyone in their tracks. Fashion, hair, nails, fancy photos, fancy cars,   and etc. Means nothing, your title in your fancy job means nothing when you don’t have one. What matters is our health and free will, our community, our family. Basically People, Love, helping one another. We are no different, we live and die to be placed right back in the ground. What is essential is food, family, love and Jesus!  

If you are a believer, Stay faithful, Stay in prayer;

If you are not a believer, I am praying for you.

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