Just trying to find our way.

(You Must Read all to understand)

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When we take pictures (estimating) we take up to 40 of them depending on the outfit or occasion.

Each time I examine each of my photos making sure I choose the very best one to post to my social media accounts; and because I have multiple accounts I usually post about 2 to 3 different pictures in total. So, let’s say I choose at least 3 photos out of 50.

For some reason I never feel bad about spending so much of my time trying to figure out what picture I want because I know at the end of the day it would make me feel better.

To me that’s what matters the most; how I feel afterwards. Was I satisfied enough to call it happiness? That feeling was it joy? … or did I feel empty, as if it was not good enough. Now I must search on top of a search to replace my not so satisfying photo.


Now let’s apply that method of picture taking to our life style choices. In life some of us go through phases. Trying to figure out what makes us happy and what allows us to feel mostly like us. From cars to shoes, houses, jobs, mates, careers etc.

Something’s we keep for a lifetime and others we do away with.

Yet, why does “choosing the right thing” make us feel as if we have wasted our entire life?

Is it really a waste of time if you are finding whatever it is that will make you happy in the end. Why must we take our time when it comes to posting photos, yet rush when our career or even lover is at hand. What will make you feel happier longer? The release of a photo or figuring out what your life is about.

I hope we can start taking more time choosing what it is that we want in life; the correct change we would like to see.

Must we never forget great things take time to build. Yes, God allows things to happen overnight but that’s His mercy and grace which is far out of our control (thank God). There is time to figure out who you are; don’t feel rushed and never feel bad for choosing multiple things. In the end, you must be happy for you. Take your time; I don’t care what society says it’s your life no one else has to live it!


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