Take The Time

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In life it seems we try and rush our process; doing so putting us in situations we were never supposed to be in. But when we allow life to play its course; we allow growth, understanding and change all in one step. Which in the end allows us to be become better people. It’s kind of like cooking. One at a time we collect all the ingredients. Making sure we have all the correct items before creating our master piece. At that moment we are prepping our dish. Like life but instead of flour and sugar; we have science and math. After mixing all the ingredients we prepare a baking dish so that while our master piece grows; it is safe to become what it needs to be. In life we have grade/high school and college; giving us space to grow how we need to while also providing the correct tools.

After our dish is done baking we should give it sometime to set.

I don’t know about you but whenever I eat something before giving it time to set in it just doesn’t taste as good as it would have if only I had given it time to set. (and in life this is where I feel we mess up)

After high school or college; we feel we are supposed to have it all together. From the house to the cars, friends, family etc. but I don’t feel like we really give ourselves a chance to grow. Greatness doesn’t happen right away it all takes time. Jesus didn’t just become Jesus over night; there was a plan in place making sure he could execute his purpose correctly and on time. Your favorite musician didn’t just create a number one billboard single overnight, it takes time. Just like our dish; as we let it set we await a delicious surprise;

and so is it to be in your life; Allow the seeds you have planted for your life to set; its ok don’t rush it; greatness is already in your path just keep working towards it while enjoying the ride all at the same time! I promise the finished product comes out so much better!

Love you, My faithful butterflies

-Cierra C


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