You’re like a walking vessel my dear (they said). // Poetry

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Have you heard Him? Or even seen Him at bay?

Does His mighty power bring fear to your soul; does your

senses begin to tingle out of control.

Your tears, are they uncontrollable?

Does joy run through you like a stream to a river;

Does it bring you much joy to yell His name? (and here’s what I say)

My emotions are like a water fall; uncontrollably my tears run down my face.

So hard to breath but I still scream His name.

The forgiveness and mercy I feel in each way.

Allows my heart to do kart wheels; As my faith takes the day.

I am grateful in peace as I stand on my knees;

my soul indulging in his goodness and peace.

Together I stand free; free to love; free to breath;

free to run in his merciful reach.

The greatest everlasting feeling there could ever be.

No one on earth can make me feel like He.

The everlasting King who chose to save me.


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