have you ever felt alone ….

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The feeling of no understanding. As if no one has ever walked in

your shoes before. Your heart sinking from lasting memories that you cant change; anger arising inside to the thought of only you are going through this. Then an Angel under Gods control; gracefully kisses your forehead;

Allowing every organ inside of you to feel an uncontrollable tingle. While at the same time filling your fleshly body with this warming; comfortably relaxing; reassuring feeling. That only God can provide you.

So, what is it that I am trying to say you ask?

Don’t ever feel like you’re alone. It’s that simple to say but harder to live; trust me I know. But you must keep in mind that there are people out there in the world going through worse then you think. In fact,  showing that you are not alone; And when you get that feeling of loneliness, pray to God for his warming love to be wrapped around your soul; filling you with peace and joy. There will be lonely days, yes; but God will always be God. Amazing right?  


Love you all; Jesus loves you more! I hope you have a blessed and peaceful day! 

 John 14:18(kjv)- I will not leave you comfortless: I will come:: to you.

Isaiah 41:10(kjv)- Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness

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